
Quick start

The command line of pyneval is:

pyneval [-h] [--gold GOLD_PATH] [--test [TEST_PATH1, TEST_PATH2, ...]] 
        [--metric METRIC] [--output OUTPUT_PATH] [--detail DETAIL_PATH] 
        [--config CONFIG_PATH] [--debug DEBUG]

A pair of sample data from BigNeuron are provided, you can use neuTube to preview and edit them:

gold swc data


The meaning of each parameter can be found here:

meaning cmd brief_cmd required default range
path of a gold standard swc file --gold -G T -
path of one or several test swc files or folders --test -T T -
file different metrics --metric -M T - ssd, length, diadem, cn
output path of metric score in json --output -O F no output
output path of detail metric result in swc --detail -D F no output
path of config file in json format --config -C F default config details in here

An example of output of Pyneval is(ssd metric is selected as example):

There are 1 test image(s)
avg_score       = 2.27268943225517
recall          = 1.0
precision       = 0.9

If detail and output path is given, you can find output files in the corresponding folder.

Description of metrics and detail of configs

SSD metric

parameter type description
threshold_mode int mode(1 or 2):
1 means static threshold, final threshold equal to ssd_threshold.
2 means dynamic threshold, final threshold equal to ssd_threshold * src_node.radius
ssd_threshold float For each node in gold standard tree, ssd find its closest node in test tree. If the distance of these two nodes is less than ssd_threshold, this node is successfully reconstructed and it will contribute to recall or precision, otherwise the distance will be contribute to ssd score.
up_sample_threshold float up sample rate of gold standard and test test tree. Smaller sample rate threshold means higher sample rate, denser upsampled tree.
scale tuple(1*3) scaling of gold and test tree in x,y,z coordinates.
debug boolean show debug information or not


    "threshold_mode": 1,
    "ssd_threshold": 2,
    "up_sample_threshold": 2,
    "scale": [1, 1, 1],
    "debug": False

Length metric

parameter type description
radius_mode int mode(1 or 2):
1 means static threshold, final threshold equal to rad_threshold.
2 means dynamic threshold, final threshold equal to rad_threshold * src_node.radius
radius_threshold float This threshold measures the distance between nodes on gold standard tree and the closest edge on test tree.
length_threshold float This threshold measures the difference between edges on gold standard tree and their corresponding trace on test tree.
scale tuple(1*3) scaling of gold and test tree in x,y,z coordinates.
debug boolean show debug information or not


    "radius_mode": 1,
    "radius_threshold": 2,
    "length_threshold": 2,
    "scale": [1, 1, 1],
    "debug": False

Critical node metric

parameter type description
threshold_distance float If the distance of two nodes on two trees is less than this threshold, they are probably matched.
scale tuple(1*3) scaling of gold and test tree in x,y,z coordinates.
true_positive_type int Identify the type of true positive nodes in swc. (This and following two parameters may affect the color of nodes in visualization program)
false_negative_type int Identify the type of false negative nodes in swc.
false_positive_type int Identify the type of false positive nodes in swc.


    "radius_mode": 1,
    "radius_threshold": 2,
    "length_threshold": 2,
    "scale": [1, 1, 1],
    "debug": False

DIADEM metric

parameter type description
weight_mode int Choose different map between degree and weight.
weight is the degree of node
weight is the sqrt of degree
weight is the harmonic mean of degree of left and right son.
weight is the length of path from node to its root
remove_spur boolean remove spur or not
count_excess_nodes boolean count excess nodes in test tree or not
list_miss_nodes boolean list missed nodes(reconstruct failed nodes) or not
list_distant_matches boolean distant match means the parent of a branch is not a matched node, but ancestor is. If this branch is matched, they are distant matched
list_continuations_nodes boolean Continuation refer to nodes with only one one. List this kind of nodes or not.
find_proper_root boolean find a pair of matched node as roots of two trees or not
scale tuple(1*3) scaling of gold and test tree in x,y,z coordinates.
xy_threshold float node distance threshold in xy surface.
z_threshold float node distance threshold in z axis.
default_xy_path_error_threshold float path length difference threshold in xy surface.
default_z_path_error_threshold float path length difference threshold in z axis.
debug boolean show debug information or not


    "weight_mode": 1,
    "remove_spur": False,
    "count_excess_nodes": True,
    "align_tree_by_root": False,
    "list_miss": True,
    "list_distant_matches": True,
    "list_continuations": True,
    "find_proper_root": True,
    "scale": [1, 1, 1],
    "xy_threshold": 1.2,
    "z_threshold": 0.0,
    "default_xy_path_error_threshold": 0.05,
    "default_z_path_error_threshold": 0.05,
    "local_path_error_threshold": 0.4,
    "debug": False